2010 WORKS

【One's Room gallery & studio】 ueki ・ 日常のさりげない緑
沖縄市中央1-2-3 神里ビル1F
日時:2010年10月28日(木) 12:00~19:00
ueki・ green casual of everyday
I took part in a group exhibition organized by Okinawa's Ishigaki Katsuko.
ueki · Green casual of everyday [One's Room gallery & studio]
Okinawa center Kamizato 1F, 1-2-3
held ueki · Start as wanakio2008 and related events in 2008 on the theme of green casual day-to-day on the 31st (Fri) - October 22, 2010: content. In 2009, I was held in Fukuoka. Ueki · in 2010, will hold painting, sculpture, ceramics, Bingata, photographs, illustrations, etc., in a wide range of genres. of ueki「 · 」 represents the "Exhibition" and "store".
福岡市内のパークサイドギャラリーでのグループ展展示 西宮市で開催の「Kantan歩」というグループ展に参加しています。 |
Other, 2010Group exhibition at Park Side Gallery of Fukuoka cityI have participated in a group exhibition held that "Kantan fu" in Nishinomiya.